A List Of My Publications
All of these books are available in print versions which can be bought from the GMI Guitar Shop which is the only place you can buy A4 perfect bound and A4 wire bound versions (larger than the American Letter size used by Amazon).
All books are also available to purchase on Amazon (print and Kindle) and other good online stores (print). Most of these publications are available to purchase from Ebook sites around the web in Epub format including Google.
I’ve only listed some of the reviews but I have included a percentage total for all 5/4 star reviews from the total reviews given for each book.
- Upper Structures, Synonyms & Slash Voicings For Jazz Guitar
- Scales You Can Use!
- Drop Two Voicings Uncovered
- Songs Of Worship: 10 hymns arranged for guitar Starter, Intermediate, Advanced
- Easy Guitar For Kids
- Sea Shanties For Easy Guitar
Upper Structures, Synonyms & Slash Voicings For Jazz Guitar

This book is aimed at experienced guitar players and will act as a practical reference and technical guide for players, teachers, educationalists and music conservatoires.
With hundreds of musical examples, chord progressions, music and chord diagrams, lick ideas and solo examples as well as in depth theoretical explanation, this book is a must for every aspiring jazz and contemporary guitarist.
Stacking Chords, Chord formulae, Chord extension & alteration, Triads as upper structures, Pseudo scales, Inferring altered dominants, Generating chords across the neck, Chord & line superimposition, Voice leading, Vagrant harmony, Inferring altered dominants, Single line solo ideas, Tri-tones & flat five concepts, Chromatic movement, Deconstructing altered dominants, Synonyms, Movable solo lines, Cascading chords, Motif development, Sidestep line movement.
A three chapter lick library of 70 original lick ideas that demonstrate each upper structure voicing category. All licks are offered in mp3 format as well as including narration from the author on the points of interest and technical challenges of the line.
Each lick is provided in musical and TAB notation. Every chord type includes arpeggio patterns across the fretboard with large format easy to view chords included with each lick example.
Three chapters offering original jazz guitar solo examples over three well known jazz standard progressions. Full analysis from a comparative, melodic and harmonic viewpoint is included. Solos are fully notated in music and TAB with chords provided in large easy to view format.
Over one and a half hours of mp3 files included. Section 1 music examples, Section 2 demonstration licks with author’s technical narration and Section 3 which includes complete solo demonstrations as well as a wide range of backing tracks for you to practice over the three included sequences. There are one hundred and sixty nine mp3 files in total.
REVIEWS – 91% 5/4 stars
meth92 – December 8, 2024
I have listened to Metheny, Holdsworth, et al for years, but I was always a rock and progressive player, and yearned to understand what these guys were doing. SO MANY books purchased, but finally this one has me pointed in the correct direction. Not for beginners, but what a wealth of information that actually MAKES SENSE. Along with the mp3’s, I have already spent hours, and learned more in those hours than other training aid or video I can think of. Get this.
Gage J. Slusser Jr. – June 2, 2022
The text is readable and informative. It would help to have a few semesters of music theory already accomplished – such that it’s easier to reinforce familiar concepts and then build from there rather than try to climb the mountain from sea level. Maybe it’s a European thing to go clockwise with the 4ths on the circle. I learned the other way.
The author adds the tablature as well the clef manuscript – not a given with every book. Too, he demonstrates the chord grips, with diagrams, for smooth voice leading. Again – not every author is so considerate. If you are a beginning music student, read an article on ‘Figured Bass.’ The notion of ‘inversions’ might not be readily apprehended by even an intrepid reader. That said, if there is a more readable book on guitar practice, I haven’t found it.
Nick – December 1, 2022
I’ve only started working through this book, but I’ve already learned a valuable thing, namely, how easy it is to more or less instantly generate complex chords, all over the guitar, using stacked triads. The polychordal and upper structure approach is something I’ve needed to add to my tool bag for a while, and this appears to be the book for me. Many YouTube sites on uppers structures haven’t given me the organized, detailed approach that I want, but this book has very clear explanations and diagrams.
There is an extensive collection of free downloadable MP3s that support all the exercises/examples. You may need to download and RAR-capable app to open them. I used BreeZip and it worked flawlessly.
Upper structures allow one to easily access ‘jazzier’ notes for arpeggios, licks, and chords. But the key (for me) was finding a way to consolidate this information, and this book appears to offer the solution. My thanks to the author for the obviously large amount of work he put into this book!
Max Downs – August 3, 2022
An extensive amount of information is given in what is a wonderful approach to the advancing concepts of guitar. As with any book attempting to tackle the deep end, it will take a bit to understand, but I like how he shows that even the most advance chords can be seen as more basic familiar pieces. I think this book is also apart of a group of recent jazz guitar books that have taken education of jazz guitar higher. It will take work, but the rewards are there. Good luck and well done Mr. Brockie on this impressive accomplishment.
Scales You Can Use!

- A full colour publication offered in physical print, ePub and PDF Download form, 152 pages long.
- An easy to understand template system that enables you to learn and play major, natural, harmonic and melodic minor scales over the entire neck in seven positions.
- Scales You Can Use! includes tutorials and shows you how to play pentatonics in 10 different keys in one position.
- Learn how you can play in fourteen keys in one position using modal scales giving you complete musical control over key changes!
- Included are fret maps which detail a simple to understand root based system in two key positions giving you complete understanding.
- Theoretical explanations of pentatonic, major, melodic and harmonic minor, blues, chromatic, whole tone and diminished scales.
- A suite of “exotic” scales are also included for those that are looking to learn patterns that are on the fringe.
- Original music examples in music and TAB provided throughout Scales You Can Use! to ensure that you really learn the patterns shown.
- Open string patterns cover major, minor, pentatonic and blues scales.
- If you think you know what the cycle of fifths is about, then think again! Scales You Can Use! shows again and again how you can use this to the max!
- Divided into three chapters – Open Scale Patterns – Fretted Scale Patterns – Symmetrical Scale Patterns, each section within these chapters includes blank chord boxes and staff/TAB sheets for your own workings and examples.
- Traversing the entire neck in one key, playing round the cycle of fifths in one position, major, harmonic and minor scale comparison sheets are in there to give you the best chance of getting your scalar knowledge together once and for all!
- Modes are also covered and demystified showing you how to both create and apply these often misunderstood patterns.
- All three chapters are backed up by our Youtube videos viewable via QR codes so you can view the scales being demonstrated by GMI’s Ged Brockie.
REVIEWS – 62% 5/4 stars
Gavin Jack – March 2, 2023
I purchased this book after using another GMI book called Drop two voicings uncovered and really learning a lot from it. Scales you can use is just as good and has again helped me understand the fretboard in greater depth. It goes into great detail, showing many scale patterns for each scale and I really enjoyed learning about interval sequences. I also found the section at the back very interesting about exotic scales such as the Japanese, Romanian, Persian and Hirajashi Scales. I’m sure I’ll be using this as a reference book for years to come. Thanks GMI!
Alex Gencs – March 20, 2019
This book is quite useful, it gives you scales that are easily accessible and to use as well with techniques and some stuff that is also song writing related. I would recommend this to anyone who is trying to expand their horizons, not just on the scales but also on their music theory and techniques.
Federico Bruera – March 27, 2019
The book is very clear, well explained and you have Youtube links with free lessons with the author, completely value for money. I highly recommend it.
Drop Two Voicings Uncovered

- A full colour publication in physical print form, 120 pages long.
- An easy to understand system that enables you to generate the same chord over the entire neck and across all string sets.
- Drop Two Voicings Uncovered details how guitarists can extend their chordal knowledge and is for any guitarist who aspires to play jazz, extend their chord knowledge in usable forms for blues, funk, pop and a wide range of other musical genres and scenarios.
- There are nearly 1100 individual chord boxes used within the book with no music reading skills needed to get the most from this volume.
- Learn not only how to play new chord ideas, but how to generate new chord forms and crucially how to use them within some of the most widely used progressions in music.
- A comprehensive thirteen part video course (nearly two hours of video) complements and develops each lesson within the guitar book. These videos are view-able on both the GMI Youtube channel and within the GMI website blog area.
- Purchasers of the guitar book can download additional learning materials that extend your use of Drop Two Voicings Uncovered. Further chordal ideas in a downloadable pdf book and 21 mp3 backing tracks to practice along with will be offered.
- Periodical free updates sheets will be offered to book owners.
REVIEWS – 91% 5/4 stars
Phillip Thorne OBE – December 6, 2016
This book is a revelation! I am an experienced classical guitarist who wanted to find out about other styles. Drop Two Voicings Uncovered is quite mind blowing. Its like a Pandora’s box. Not only does is set out chords, their inversions across 4 adjacent strings, it presents them in the most useful chord progressions. Each lesson has YouTube videos and many supporting downloads. Highly recommended
Chuckster – July 26, 2017
I’ve been playing guitar for many years and about 2 years ago started to learn jazz. I am focusing on chord melody and have heard a lot about these elusive “drop 2” chords. Several times I tried to venture into the drop 2 world only to get confused and discard it. Then I came across this book. First, the book format is great! I love the large chord diagrams, and the progressive nature the material proceeds in. The YouTube videos and supplemental material make it a great deal and a tereffic learning resource. It is amazing how quickly you will start to get this stuff under your fingers and improve your skills. It has become part of my daily practice routine. If it came spiral bound, I would give it 6 stars!!
MM – October 26, 2020
Book is well organized, with color chord diagrams, Youtube video lessons with Ged Brockie a great instructor & GMI online. This book unlocks the mystery of chord comping used in Jazz.
Songs Of Worship: 10 hymns arranged for guitar Starter, Intermediate, Advanced

- Guitarists of all levels, from beginner to intermediate to advanced, will appreciate the expertly crafted arrangements of popular worship songs
- With a wide selection of worship songs included, this book is an invaluable resource for any church or worship team looking to expand their repertoire
- By learning and playing these powerful spiritual songs, musicians can deepen their understanding of how music arrangements sculpt the sound and give a deeper understanding of the music we play
- What A Friend We Have In Jesus
- Abide With Me
- Amazing Grace
- Battle Hymn Of The Republic
- Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- How Great Thou Art
- O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
- The Old Rugged Cross
- ‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
Using the GMI guitar learning system, each song is offered in starter, intermediate and advanced arrangement form to help guide the player through various technical advancement of the same song.
✓ All “starter songs” are offered in two keys to ensure that almost all people can sing along regardless of vocal range.
✓ Starter songs include the chords and lyrics in both versions.
✓ All chords used in starter, intermediate and advanced versions of each hymn faithfully reproduced in large, easy to view format with fingering and chord information included. A staggering 1127 large format chords are included throughout the book.
✓ Lyrics for all ten hymns along with a short history of the writers of the music and lyrics included.
✓ Each hymn features an mp3 play along which is offered in both demonstration and backing track versions.
✓ All music is also notated in guitar tablature. You don’t have to be able to read music to play the arrangements.
REVIEWS – 77% 5/4 stars
Sean McGill – May 15, 2024
I wish all music song books were like this:
* Different song levels for each song
* Chord Diagrams for each version
* lyric in standard notations
* Easy to see Tab with standard notation for timing
* Codes for downloading backing tracks and video performance of the songs
Highly Recommend
Curtis M Edwards – July 26, 2017
Claire Saunders – January 8, 2023
Such a great guitar book for learning to play some wonderful hymns. Really excellently written with a little about the history of the hymn and QR codes to instructional content. Would 100% recommend.
R. Rains – August 16, 2024
Beautifully written and arranged. Dowloads teach proper left and right hand fingering. Great way to worship!
Easy Guitar For Kids

This foundational teaching aid is designed to cater specifically to children who want to learn how to play the guitar in a fun and engaging way. The book includes chords, songs, and nursery rhymes alongside multimedia help such as tuning a guitar, simple Tabs for music notation of well-known songs or melody exercises.
Easy Guitar For Kids includes:
- Advice on why your child should start learning guitar and playing music.
- Help in choosing the right guitar for your child and the types of guitar available.
- The basics like the parts that make up the guitar, the guitar strings and how to hold and play the instrument.
- How to tune a guitar and advice on plectrums, string names, how to understand chord boxes and reading simple guitar TAB and an introduction to music notation.
- A range of easy to play chords that will means by using the book, you’ll be up and running in quickly.
Learn by learning to play the chords and strum along with these well known songs and nursery rhythms.
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat
- Frere Jacques
- The Wheels On The Bus
- This Old Man
- Jack And Jill Went Up The Hill
- Old MacDonald Had A Farm
The book includes a range of simple easy to learn chord and melody exercises. In the final part of the book you’ll learn how to play the melodies (tunes) of some of the songs you’ve already learned and new songs:
- Incy Wincy Spider
- Hush Little Baby
- Old MacDonald Had A Farm
- Jack And Jill Went Up The Hill
- London Bridge Is Falling Down
REVIEWS – 84% 5/4 stars
Sean C – July 2, 2022
Learning guitar with my 6 year old son. This book explains key concepts well and lets you pick up a guitar and start playing from lesson 1. Builds on learnings quickly so keeps son engaged. Very good teaching tool.
Julie – June 8, 2023
Great value for money. Every lesson has a corresponding video to show the technique that been explained in the book. My son is able to go through it all by himself.
Kelly Ball – December 7, 2023
It was for my granddaughter. I liked the QR code to scan so that the child could hear the tune from the book
Sea Shanties For Easy Guitar

Immerse yourself in the nostalgic melodies of Sea Shanties For Easy Guitar. This book is a treasure trove for sea shanty enthusiasts and guitar players alike, featuring an extensive collection of traditional shanties with easy to follow guitar chords and lyrics that make it effortless to sing along.
Play the chords and sing along with these wonderful songs from Sailors the world over. Sea Shanties For Easy Guitar offers you:
- All songs include lyrics and guitar chord boxes.
- Guitar chords and lyrics also provided in large easy to read text.
- The songs are all TAB’D out for you to play the melody. No sight reading skills needed.
- All ten songs are supported by free downloadable backing tracks and example rhythms for you to hear and learn to play from.
- Each song comes with a short background history.
- Help section for reading rhythms plus pages of extra chords for you to learn and play.
- What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor
- The Wellerman
- Leave Her Johnny Leave Her
- Spanish Ladies
- Blow The Man Down
- South Australia
- A Drop Of Nelson’s Blood
- Don’t Forget Your Old Shipmates
- Randy Dandy Oh
- The Banks Of Newfoundland
REVIEWS – 81% 5/4 stars
Hampton – August 10, 2021
This book has been extremely useful in my research. Highly recommended to anyone who loves to play sea shanties on a guitar on the beach!
Andrew – May 10, 2021
Really happy with this book! Enjoyed learning a little about each sea shanty as I was learning each song. The backing tracks were great and for a beginner the breakdown of the chords and suggested rhythm was very helpful
Mr K P Sheil – July 29, 2021
Great shanty book with a lot of chords